Pain is the body’s way to communicate that something is wrong and needs our immediate attention. Incredibly, many pain symptoms can be related to nothing more than muscle tension. Muscle tension then leads to an inflammatory response which inhibits proper function of the joint. This inflammation and the subsequent restriction can effect us in our daily life. Many doctors have little understanding of the function of the muscular and skeletal structures. Many times this pain response is met with pain killers or anti-inflammatory from your loving primary care professional. Unfortunately these “band-aids” are temporary at best and may even give us a false sense of improvement. This will then encourage increased activity which will only lead us to more pain and inflammation since the root cause of the problem was not addressed. If you can relax the muscle, stretch it and restore range of motion (ROM) you might be surprised to see how quickly the pain response will decrease.
I use slow strokes, stretches and deep pressure as tolerated, work on tight areas to release specific muscle tension to restore flexibility, decrease pain & help heal injuries. Ultimately stress-, Pain relief and relaxation is what you will walk away with.
- induces deep relaxation
- enhances mental clarity
- reduces post work out inflammation
- improves circulation of Blood and lymph
- flushes out toxin buildup in muscle tissue
- helps athletes of any level prepare for, and recover from strenuous workouts
- reduces risk of strain injury
- speeds healing from overuse
- contributes to an increased range of motion in your joints
- lessens depression and anxiety
- improves sleep quality
Massage educates your body by bringing an awareness of which of your muscles are weak and inhibited, which muscles need more vigorous massage and which muscles have too much tone and need a lighter or more sustained touch.
Danielle offers Pain Relieving, Stress reducing, Deep Tissue-, Sports & Therapeutic Massage
I also work extensively with clients/ athletes with repetitive muscle injuries and strains.
Are you ready to Feel Better, Move Better, Live Better?
Sign Up for your Massage in Portland, Today!